
Rachelle Corker Animal Care

Dog walker in: Wiltshire |

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Dog sitting at owners property
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

Experienced with all manner of pets ranging from dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, gerbils, hamsters, chickens/ducks, parrots, as well as an experienced horse rider/groomer.

I live in Bradford on Avon and offer day and evening home visits to feed/check on your pets and spend time with them, pet sitting in your home for holidays/weekends away, dog walking (single and groups depending on your pooch’s needs), as well as horse grooming/exercising within the local area.

38yrs old lady with plenty of experience of dogs/cats and other animals. I grew up with dogs and cats, and have plenty of experience with other pets, as well as being an experienced horse-rider since the age of 14.

I have a warm and friendly personality and understand animals and their needs well. I am calm, kind and only believe in rewards-based training only.

Feel free to get in contact and we can have a chat about what you need and how I can be of help.