
Heather’s Pet Services Ltd

Dog walker in: Somerset | , , ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

Heather’s Pet Services ltd established in 2006 has evolved from Heather Thomas (Director) walking dogs on an ad-hoc basis to a fully fledged company that is now the largest in Bristol. Heather’s Pet Services Ltd started when Heather used to work in a kennels part time after completing her animal care NVQ. Heather started to walk the dogs at lunchtimes that were in the kennels and then offered the service to many other friends and owners that she met at the local park. The word quickly spread and within a few months Heather had to leave her kennel work to focus on her own small business. Heather Got licensed to home board dogs too so she had a variety of pooches coming to stay for their holidays. Heather was kept very busy in Fishponds Bristol with many dogs for walking as well as many pet visits including cats and dogs. Heather had to get her first van to cope with the demand and her first member of the team evolved in 2010 based in Paulton, Bristol. Heather having a wealth of experience in the animal care industry decided to open her company up to allow jobs for people that share her passion for animals, so in 2011 Heather started to build her team in Bristol. Susan Steele Heather’s mum came in to the company and as she is based in Bristol she now looks after the Bristol team on a day to day basis as well as completing inductions for new customers. We currently have a team of 16 staff across Bristol, Bath and Radstock and 15 fully Kitted out vans to keep your animals safe.