
Pawfully Precious Pets

Dog walker in: Hertfordshire | , , , , , ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Doggy daycare at my property
  • Dog sitting at owners property
  • Dog boarding at my property
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

Pawfully Precious Pets is a pet care company based in Hitchin. It is run by Amy Savage, who absolutely loves working with animals. The company offers a range of services including dog walking, pet daycare, pet boarding, pet visits and small mammal care.

Amy has always had animals in her life from a young age which include hamsters, guinea pigs, tropical fish, chickens, and more recently a dog. She was fascinated by her Grandma’s yorkshire terriers as a child and will always have a love for terriers (and all breeds, of course!).

Her experience initially came from looking after her family dog on many occasions and she built on this experience when she moved to South London and took on her own pet sitting assignments, which included daycare, dog boarding, dog walking and cat visits. Her knowledge expanded further still when she worked for Crystal Palace Pet Sitters over the summer of 2014 which allowed her to work with various breeds and to undertake a range of pet care tasks.

Amy is fully insured and has a DBS check, and will happily provide references on request.