
Walks for all Paws

Dog walker in: Aberdeenshire | , , , , ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Doggy daycare at my property
  • Dog sitting at owners property
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

I started helping out with other people’s dogs and other pets only recently, at the start I was only helping friends and neighbors who struggled to take care of their pets needs due to the Corona Virus. I’m a very compassionate and kind person who always takes care of others whether it’s an animal or a person I always do my best to make another being happy and looked after with the most friendly and positive approach. I guarantee you’re loved ones will be back in ur arms with wagging tail and a loving attitude just like my Border Collie who’s been with me since she was a pup. We always come home with eyes looking full of joy a tail swinging and happily resting from all the playin. Hope to get a chance to show I can have a positive impact on ur little ones 🙂