
Dogs to Pets

Dog walker in: Leicestershire | ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

Dogs to Pets is here to; enhance your pets life. It is a professional, friendly, reliable and dedicated to providing you and your pet(s) with the best possible service. I’m insured, CBR checked, non smoker, and can provide references.

Services offered:

DOG WALKING – with the maximum of three compatible dogs for a full hour of fun, frolics and exercise come rain or shine, in a safe and friendly doggy environment. One to one walking also available.

DOG BEHAVIOURIST – professional and trained with many years experience with all sorts of dog breeds. Offering a common sense, humanistic, non judgmental and practical solutions to your doggy problems.

CAT & SMALL PET HOME VISITS – a true alternative to catteries. Cats prefer their own environment, often becoming very stressed when taken out of it. When your away, I will call once or twice a day to; feed, clean litter trays and ensure water is available. In addition I can carryout other tasks; such as: water plaints, check security, put out wheelie bins and so on.

HOUSE SITTING – I can often house & pet sit for a weekend or longer periods of time.