
Red Lion Canines

Dog walker in: Kent | , ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Doggy daycare at my property
  • Dog sitting at owners property
  • Dog boarding at my property
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

Hello :0) Firstly, i would like to introduce myself. From the age of three animals have been a huge part of my life both at home and work.
I have always felt at ease around them and i find they provide me with great pleasure, relaxation, happiness and companionship

Red Lion canines has evolved since 2002 and in that time we have provided care to animals and we now offer a wider range of services that we are proud off.
Our methods of training are through positive re-enforcement and we provide training, courses and workshops for both adults and children

Checkout our website and if you have any questions or require any further information/help please do not hesitate to make contact with us

I look forward to hearing from you :0)