
Bishops Waltham Pet Services

Dog walker in: Hampshire | , , , , , ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Doggy daycare at my property
  • Dog sitting at owners property
  • Dog boarding at my property
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

I am sam and I run bishops waltham pet services. I offer care for dogs for those days when work means you cannot get home, or when a day out with the kids means your dog is left behind, or maybe a night out means doggy is home alone.

I offer a service which focuses on the needs of the individual dog- I do not walk large groups, only small groups or 1 to 1. I can offer short walks depending on the distance from my home, and always pick walks which are mentally stimulating for the dogs.

I like to walk dogs in places where they can sniff, as I feel this tires a dog mentally, and the dog returns home calm- for dogs who need to be physically drained, this can be arranged.

I am fully insured, and also have Equine qualifications to BHS1. I have grown up with dogs, cats, horses,rabbits, and various others. I have 1 dog at the moment, and various other small pets.

I have walked dogs for friends and family for years, as well as caring for neighbours pets over holidays.