
Playful Pups – North East Manchester

Dog walker in: Greater Manchester | , , , , , , , , ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Doggy daycare at my property
  • Dog sitting at owners property
  • Dog boarding at my property
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

My name is Jessica and I am a huge animal lover (obviously). If I could, I would prefer to spend my time with animals over humans, although I probably shouldn’t say that!


I have a 3-year-old male Mal-Shi which myself and my partner rescued from Cheshire Dogs Home. He was a little nervous of other dogs and people at first, but he now has lots of friends at the local park and is even taking a shine to his friends’ owners, enjoying back rubs and treats (the more treats you have, the more he likes you!).

I also have four male rabbits (ages 3 & 4), who have both outside and indoor homes (we don’t call them hutches or cages). We have Lopsie who is a Lop and 4 years old (he is a little grump and only seems to like his mummy and bunny pals). Bambi is a Rex/Lop mix who is 4 and is the mastermind of the group. We then have Cocoa who is a 3-year-old Rex with gorgeous soft hair… he loves nothing better than being outdoors. And last but definitely not least, we have Micksey who is a 3-year-old dwarf lop… don’t let those little legs deceive you though, he has one hell of a kick on him when he wants to throw a tantrum.

Don’t worry if your pet does not get along with small furries – we have plenty of space and facilities to keep them separate. The safety of all pets in my care is a priority at all times.


I offer dog walking, day care, boarding and pet visit services, and I have a full, clean driving license and CRB check. I understand the importance of finding the right person for your pet. It’s not just about finding someone that you trust, but someone who your pet trusts also.

So if you are looking for someone to take care of your pet, big or small – whether it be taking your four legged friend for walkies, making sure your kitty has a full tummy, or even putting in a few flakes for your goldfish whilst you’re away, please do get in touch.

Many thanks