
Jurassic Pups

Dog walker in: Dorset | , , , ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

Jurassic Pups. Your Pet’s Second Best Friend
At Jurassic Pups we offer a range of dog walking and pet care services.
Based In Wool, we cover the whole of the Isle of Purbeck and the surrounding areas.
We offer solo and group walks to make sure your Pup gets a relaxing and enjoyable walk in an environment that suits them.
Thanks to the unique range of landscape the Isle of Purbeck offers we vary our walks so your pup will experience different terrains and environments to keep them interested and engaged.
We also offer holiday feeding for cats and small animals as well as daytime puppy visits.
All our team are CRB Checked and we are fully insured and very experianced so you know your pup is in good hands.