
Congleton Pet Services

Dog walker in: Cheshire |

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Dog sitting at owners property
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

Friendly and reliable dog walker based in Congleton area. We are passionate about your animals welfare, highest level of care provided. Experienced with a variety of size/breeds. Flexible to requirements for individual dogs. Four dogs max group walking policy. One hour or half hour dog walking sessions or individually tailored to your needs, making sure your beloved dog is safe and happy.
Home visits available, contact with people gives your pets a great emotional boost, we are a friendly face during the day just to pop in and say hello and give your animal a bit of love.
Fully Insured & DBS checked.
Its important to us that you beloved pooch feels at complete ease with us, we want only the very best experience for your pooch.