
Cheshire Dog Tails

Dog walker in: Cheshire | , , ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

I am Emma and I provide a friendly and reliable Altrincham based Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Service. I have lived in Altrincham for over 2 years now and have got to know the area well. I am originally from a small village near Frodsham where I spent lots of time growing up with our lovely pet Labradors. One of my favourite times being when we had 8 new-born black lab puppies. I love all animals, especially dogs and I have always possessed a strong desire to work with them on a daily basis. I prefer to be outdoors no matter what the weather so this combined with a strong passion for dogs has led to the making of Cheshire Dog Tails.
My aim is to provide each dog with as much love and attention as possible, whilst having lots of fun on our walks. The services I provide can be tailored around yourselves and that of your precious pets, whether that be for a day, a week or a permanent basis. I look after each animal as if they were my own and I really look forward to getting to know their individual personalities.