
Romsey Rovers

Dog walker in: Cambridgeshire |

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Dog sitting at owners property
  • Dog boarding at my property
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

Romsey Rovers offers both group and individual dog walks in Cambridge. D
In addition to dog walks, I am happy to be able to offer pet visits for cats, smaller animals, puppies or older dogs that just need a bit of company during the day.
Your pet is our priority and we care for all pets as if they are our own.

My name is Jim Hardman and I have experience with many rescue animals, both dogs and cats, including my current dog Bessie.

Having worked full-time and employed dog walkers, I understand the importance of ensuring that my own pets are cared for and stimulated during the day. I also understand the importance of having a trustworthy person taking care of your precious pet, while you are away from home.

I have a current disclosure certificate (police criminal record check) and have full liability insurance. I will shortly be completing a pet first aid course.