
Pet Pal

Dog walker in: Bedfordshire | , , , , ,

  • One dog walks
  • Group walks
  • Care for other animals (e.g. cat visits)

Hi, my name is Amanda. I offer a Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Service. I walk small groups of dogs no larger than 3. Individual walks are also available if required. Walks are either half an hour or an hour duration.

I also look after cats in your home if you are away on holiday, business of a hospital stay. Cats much prefer being on their own territory and having their routines kept as normal as possible. I replenish food and water bowls, clean out litter trays and will sit with your cat for a while so it has some company. i will also open and close curtains, put bins out on bin day and switch lights on and off which all helps to make your property appear occupied.

I can also look after any other small pets.

I have owned may pets over the years and am currently the owner of a black labrador called Biggles and a black cat called Marmite.